Bone density rushes to the forefront of our attention as we age, but the strength of our bones and our bodies is a more complex picture. This lively workshop is collaboration between exercise professionals and client to discover the nature of bone building and the secrets to bone safety. We'll first experience a class of the medically-endorsed Buff Bones® system, followed by a presentation with Q&A and then integration of accessible exercises. Instructors will practice on the clients and the clients will gain hands-on guidance from the instructors. Join us for an energizing immersion into the basics of bone health as we repeal the myths surrounding it and showcase the potential to stay mobile and fracture-free.
Join us for a lively workshop to experience a class of the medically-endorsed Buff Bones® system, followed by a presentation with Q&A to identify the basics of bone health, the myths surrounding it and the potential to stay mobile and fracture-free.